Hello, you lovely, big-hearted volunteer, you (yes, you!)
Noticebored is an idea bourn of the fact (well, perhaps not openly admitted, and certainly not to your employer lol) that many people hate their day jobs - and likely some of you wish you could something a bit more helpful with your skills? Funny that. Which is why Noticebored is here...
Project Overview
Noticebored is an idea bourn of the fact that many people hate their day jobs.
It’s an idea, based around an app initially, that rather than becoming part of the ‘great resignation’ (which really, can most people afford to do?) you give some of your time (spare - or better still, lobby your employer to gift you) to really good local causes.
My contribution to this
It’s a self-initiated idea, based on seeing how local communities often struggle with finding the support they need - by seeing if the potential could actually exist within the community but hasn’t been tapped.
The visual language is based around the idea of an actual notice board - the type of thing that people pin for-sale cards, local am-dram requests, good trader business cards - with drawing pins, holes, torn paper as core to the identity.
If anyone wants to turn this into an MVP (urgh. better an actual thing not some tech-bro nonsense) beyond the concept, do hit me up, as I think they say :)